Autism and Asperger Syndrome

Autism is a lifelong condition which affects how a person makes sense of the world. The term Autism is short for Autistic Spectrum Disorder which means that people diagnosed with this disorder can experience a wide variety of difficulties to different degrees. People on the Autistic Spectrum can find it difficult to understand the unspoken social interaction rules that most of us take for granted. This usually means that they find it more difficult to communicate and interact with others which can lead to high levels of anxiety, stress and confusion. Asperger Syndrome is a form of Autism on the high end of the Autistic Spectrum.

The difficulties associated with Autistic Spectrum Disorder relate to social communication, interaction with other people, and using imagination to plan and solve problems. In practice this means that people find it difficult to fit in, to say "the right thing at the right time". People with this diagnosis are often perceived as somewhat stubborn, awkward, rigid and/or obsessional. Because of their difficulties with making sense of the world and social rules in particular, people on the Autistic Spectrum function better when they can follow set-out routines in a relatively "predictable" personal world.

the diagnosis of Autism or Asperger Syndrome is often given by a specialist psychology team and psychiatrists. In the current climate of reduced funding in the National Health Service less services are available for follow-up support and work-place guidance on how to help a person with this diagnosis function well within their work and home environment.

Hack-it Psychology offers teaching and coaching for individuals and organisations that are working with people diagnosed with having Autistic Spectrum Disorder, or who show signs of having similar difficulties as someone with the diagnosis. With the right help and knowledge much can be done to reduce stress and anxiety for individuals affected by this disorder, facilitating improved Quality of Life and improved Quality of Work Life.